Type Email in Different Languages

Use Google Input Tools to type in different languages so you can communicate with international teams or clients. Types of Input Tools Handwriting input—Write words directly with your mouse or…

Using the Snooze Button in Gmail

Use the snooze button in Gmail to keep on top of your workload. If you don’t have time to read or respond to an email, press the snooze button and…

@Mention a Contact in Gmail

If you need to add someone to a discussion in an email there’s now an option to ‘@’ mention them. Whether you’re introducing a new colleague via email or simply…

Undo Sending an Email

Make a typo in your email? Forget to add a recipient? Change your mind about sending an email? Take back an email you just sent using the Undo Send feature. Undo sending…

Change the Layout of your Inbox

Change your Gmail inbox layout You can choose how to format your Gmail inbox, including seeing unread messages first or having inbox categories. Choose your inbox layout Open Gmail. In the…

Toggle Conversation View On/Off

Choose your conversation settings When people reply to an email, Gmail groups responses together in conversations with the newest email on the bottom. A conversation breaks off into a new…

Secure your GMail account

Check for suspicious account activity by scrolling to the bottom of the page and viewing the last account activity link. Click Details to show when and where your account has…

Compose Message in New Window

Pop open a new message window Shift-click the [ COMPOSE ] button in Gmail to pop open a new window to type the message.  This is useful if you want…

Add a Gmail Profile Picture

You can choose a photo to set as your Gmail picture. This image shows up when someone sees your name in their email inbox or chat list. Add your picture…