Type Email in Different Languages

Use Google Input Tools to type in different languages so you can communicate with international teams or clients.

Types of Input Tools

  • Handwriting input—Write words directly with your mouse or trackpad.
  • Transliteration—Type languages phonetically in English letters, and they’ll appear in their correct alphabet.
  • Input Method Editor (IME)—Use a Latin alphabet keyboard to convert your keystrokes to Asian characters.
  • Virtual keyboard—Use an onscreen keyboard native to languages like Arabic, Hebrew, Thai, and Korean.

Enable Input Tools

  1. In Gmail, click Settings settings > Settings.
  2. In the General tab, scroll to the Language section. Click Show all language options and check the Enable input tools box.
  3. In the Input Tools window, double-click the All input tools field to select an input tool you want. The tool automatically moves to the Selected input tools field.
  4. Click OK.
  5. At the bottom, click Save Changes.

When you enable an input tool, click the Keyboard Gmail keyboard to turn it on and off, and click the Down arrow to switch between tools.

The full tip can be read here.